Gabriele Hooffacker, born in 1959, teaches Media Design, Practical Media Production, Cross-media Utilization and Journalistic Principles in the Media-appropriate Content Preparation department at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. Her doctoral thesis was entitled “Avaritia radix omnium malorum” and examined single-leaf prints and pamphlets in the Early Modern Era. Her current research interests include interactive and participative formats in journalism and digital teaching and learning media.
Together with Peter Lokk, in 1997 she was awarded the first Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik prize for her work in making the internet accessible to the wider public. Gabriele Hooffacker publishes the Journalistische Praxis series of textbooks founded by Walther von La Roche (1936-2010) at Springer VS. She sits on the judging panel of the Alternativer Medienpreis.